9 red fat quarters6 blue fat quarters⅝ yd white1 yd border⅝ yd binding Quilt Size: 58" x 68"
9 red fat quarters6 blue fat quarters⅝ yd white1 yd border⅝ yd binding Quilt Size: 58" x 68"
13 Fat QuartersAccent....1⅔ ydBackground....2 ydsBinding....⅔ ydBorder (Optional)....1¼ yd Finished Size: 80" x 80" (88" x 88" with optional border)
Panel - 24"x 43"Sashing - ⅜ ydBackground -1⅛ ydArrow fabrics - 5 fat eighths or ½ yd of one fabricBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 42"x58"
40 - 5" SquaresLight Frame - ⅝ ydDark Frame - ⅝ ydBinding - ½ ydOptional Border cut 7" - 1¼ yd Quilt Size: 37" x 48" (50" x 61" with optional border)
33 2½" StripsBackground and border....1¾ ydBinding....⅝ yd Quilt Size: 52" x 70"
12 Fat QuartersOptional border - ¾ ydBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 42" x 56" (50" x 64" with optional border)
Main Fabric - 1¼ ydSashing - ¾ ydBackground - ⅝ yd(3) Coordinates - ¼ yd eachBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 50" x 60"
Focal Fabric - 1 ydBlue/sashing - 1¼ ydRed/triangles - ⅝ ydGold/squares - ¼ ydBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 48" x 64"
1 yd theme½ yd each of 2 lights⅝ yd each of 2 mediums¼ yd dark for border cornerstones1½ yds border⅝ yd binding Quilt Measures 57" x 72"
⅜ yd each of 9 fabrics - can be used for scrappy bindingBorder - 1¼ ydOptional binding of one fabric - ⅝ yd Finished Size: 60" x 70"
8 Fat Quarters or 16 Fat Eighths (9"x22")Light Background - 1 ydDark Background - 1 ydBinding - ⅝ yd Quilt Size: 56"x 70"
⅝ yd cloud½ yd or 48 - 3"x 3" squares rain1⅞ yd background½ yd binding Quilt Size 48" x 50"
Dark Triangles - ¾ ydLight Triangles - ¾ ydTheme - 2½ ydSashing and Binding - 1¼ yd Quilt Size: 60"x 75"
9 Fat QuartersNeutral - 1 ydBinding - ½ yd Finished Size: 48" x 48"
42 - 10" squares from a pre-cut pack or 21 fat sixths 12"x21"Accent - ⅜ ydBinding - ⅝ yd Quilt Size: 57" x 67"
7 Fat QuartersSpacers - ⅓ ydBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 42"x 54"
3 Main fat quarters3 Secondary fat quarters3 Contrast fat quarters3 sashing....⅙ yd eachInner border, cut 1½"....¼ ydOuter border, cut 5½"....1 ydB...
View full details8 fat quartersLight grey & dark pink: ⅛ yard or fat eighthBackground: 1¼ yardsBinding....½ yd Finished Size: 45" x 45"
½ yd white and ⅝ yd dark greyFQ each purple, pink, orange, and yellowBinding: ⅓ yd Finished Size: 36" x 36"
40 - 2½” x WOF Strips or 150 - 2½”x 10½” Binding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 50" x 60"
8 Fat Quarters1⅛ yd BackgroundBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 45" x 54"
8 Fat QuartersBorder - ⅓ ydBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 42" x 48"
36 - 5" SquaresBackground and Border - 2½ ydBinding - ½ yd Quilt size: 49"x67"
8 Fat QuartersTheme Fabric - 2¼ ydBinding - ⅝ yd Quilt size: 56"x72"